WYSIWYG editor for review funnel, and remove character limit


Would it be possible to have the option to edit the review funnel emails with some kind of WYSIWYG editor? For example, I just received an email prompt from the car dealership after I took my care in for service. It's basically the same flow we have, but their emails html based. I think we have the ability to do the same thing and past some html in the email box, but there is also a character count limitation. If that could be removed as well, that would allow for some interesting possibilities. The WYSIWYG would also allow for clients to be able to create some nice looking emails on their own for the review funnel. Definitely not a deal break, but would be a "nice to have".

I included some screen shots from the email I received from the dealership, for reference.


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Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned

  • 2 years ago

Joe Troyer

When HTML email is selected, have a way to edit the HTML code, or edit it visually using a WYSIWYG.
Or show a visual editor and then have an option to edit HTML source.