Social Posting Auto issue

Paul David

There needs to be an option when you select auto post for Social posting where it doesn't upload all the clients previous reviews.

I've just connected a new client who wants new reviews to auto post to his facebook page and the system has now upload 210 posts with his previous reviews on each one!

Client isn't happy I've spammed his facebook page and now I've had to manually delete each one.


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brian carson

same exact thing happened to me. I posted one and they all posted and I had to go in and manually delete them all


Paul David

Could do with an update for this as I'm unable to use this feature as for every client it automatically creates social posts for every single previous review and I can't stop it!


Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Joe Troyer

In auto-posting, we can add a new filter to only include reviews after a specific date. Default to today's date.