Rotator & Badge Improvements

Glen Andrade

Can we add the following features to the rotator and badge review widgets:
1. Add the text “Verified” on the review to add even more credibility
2. Add a text link that says “more” so that users will be prompted to read the full reviews ( Once they hit the read more, they can read the full review and scroll through other reviews) Plus, they will see a CTA button described below
3. Add a Call to action(CTA) button to either CALL or redirect to a booking page or any redirect.
NOTE: You already have this CTA functionality but only for the Hoover widget


Activity Newest / Oldest


Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Joe Troyer

1. Add the text “Verified” on the review to add even more credibility

Add an option to enable the badge, edit the text (default to Verified) and change the icon.

2. Straight forward expanation.

3. Add a Call to action(CTA) button to either CALL or redirect to a booking page or any redirect.

As mentioned, we have this already for the hover widgets. Add a way to enable this on all the other widgets.


Glen Andrade

Thanks Joe for getting this on the planned list. I wanted to add one more feature that I forgot to mention (while we are working on this). I think there should be a time gap between each testimonial. Currently, each testimonial just replaces the previous one. We should show a testimonial for a time period, then show nothing, then show the next testimonial etc. The reason is that when there is no gap in between, it just all gets lost and you hardly notice the testimonials changing. It is a subtle thing, but some competitors are doing it with a nice gap in-between and it’s much more effective & powerful IMHO.