Reviews / Columns per page (manually responsive)

John Mecham

I'm getting two reviews side by side on mobile, and each review is akwardly thin.
Here is the request --- screenrec.com/share/DdfCjHspaE


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John Mecham

I'm going to piggy back this post with more ideas to improve mobile widget UX.

All the widgets (including desktop) shift around when advancing to the next set of reviews. So the user is constantly chasing the buttons around on their phone (and desktop). only exception is the "load more" button.

For many widgets there is also an extra set of vertical and horizontal scroll bars which makes the UX in some cases impossible to use! A pop-up with the code in elementor for example chops off the bottom of the review, and there is no way to adjust this! this even happens on dyanmic columns on the grid widget. (I already sent a video of this directly to Alex)

None of the widgets at the moment accommodate ultra ease on a mobile phone with the right thumb. Design should always be mobile first. Ive made this mock-up, where the "next" / "back" buttons stay put!

There is really only enough room for one review at a time on a mobile phone. Can only read one at a time anyway.

And again, the original idea... to avoid having to install two separate scripts ... One for desktop and one for mobile, make the columns dynamic on all widgets (like you have on your "Grid" widget, or allow a separate setting for mobile within a single script). As I think of scenario with three reviews displayed, twenty displayed or just one, it would be nice to have both features, since, dynamic already exists. In the case of three, it is reasonable to do three on both mobile and desktop, so dynamic does the trick. in the case 20, it might be a little ridiculous to have 20 on mobile, and in the case of one, depending on the designers preference, one could look a little anemic on desktop.


Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Joe Troyer

When editing widget, separate the reviews per page into 2 sections:
- Reviews per page on mobile
- Reviews per page on desktop