Each plan needs to have the option to limit the number of review platforms.
Then businesses need to be able to add/edit those platforms, up to the limit defined in their plan.
22-09-2022 - 2 years ago
Newest / Oldest
Joe Troyer
In the agency account, when editing a plan, add the following options:
- limit the # of review platforms a business can add
- if limited, allow choosing which platforms they should access to specifically
- add a price per extra review platforms, if they reach the limit
Activity Newest / Oldest
Joe Troyer
In the agency account, when editing a plan, add the following options:
- limit the # of review platforms a business can add
- if limited, allow choosing which platforms they should access to specifically
- add a price per extra review platforms, if they reach the limit
Joe Troyer
Status changed to: Planned