Review Funnel Template/Duplicate

Sandy Zuniga

Allow us to create an agency wide, token Review Funnel template that we can pull in or duplicate somehow for each biz we add into our account.


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Paul David

any update Alex, this would save me at least 10-15 mins per new client sign up because at the moment I have to go in and change all the send times, the content of the messages, the settings when the campaign stops etc as soon as a new client signs up.

I could be sitting on the couch of an evening and next thing I'm having to rush upstairs to computer to make the changes quickly.

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Sandy Zuniga

Totally agree Paul! Wish this was here already.


Scott Balsiger

A great idea.


Adz S

Yes please


Andreas Loeper

This would be very, very helpful.


Alex Contes

Keep in mind that we will also going to build this for other areas, such as social posting, or the invite campaign. We're going to build it in a way that it will be easily reproduceable.

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Alex Contes

Status changed to: Planned


Alex Contes

Add the ability to build review funnel templates, that are editable in the agency settings and a default can be selected.
In the business account, allow saving current configuration as a template and add another button to load a template into the current business.

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Andreas Loeper

That's a good idea. I also wanted to post this :)

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