Review Funnel Survey

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Sandy Zuniga

Add a way to enable a survey with editable questions in the review funnel, before the segmentation selection.


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Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Live


Joe Troyer


Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Sandy Zuniga

For the form to get into the system/survey, please add an option to put a optional custom field or text field so we can put a piece of info the business may need to go with that customer (ie loan #). This would be in addition to the Full Name, Email and Cell Phone regular info.


Joe Troyer

Screenshot mentioned previously.


Joe Troyer

I have been planning this with Sandy and the best way to do this is to add another option named "Survey" to go along with the Segmentation. When Survey is enabled, there will be questions that show up to the user while they select the smiley face/thumbs/hearts/etc.., questions like:

1) What service did we help you with?
Answer: Buying a home/property
2) Which team member(s) helped you?
Answer: Julie Watson;
3) How was your experience with our team?
Answer: Fair
4) How likely are you to refer us to a friend?

Questions will be of multiple types, such as:
- Yes/No
- Radio selection
- Checkbox selection
- Custom text
- Star rating
- NPS score

See screenshot with example of configurable question.
If Survey is enabled, it will be answered on the same page as the segmentation, the answers will be saved and displayed somewhere in the business account and will also be emailed to the business.

A hard-coded paragraph of text will also be displayed at the end of the survey to ask them for their whole experience in general. If they enter something in that section, the entered text will be used like this:
- If they're not happy, we'll pre populate the feedback text message with what they entered
- If they're happy, before clicking on a review site we'll give them the option to copy the text they already entered, so they can just paste it and leave a review, instead of rewriting it

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Sandy Zuniga

Looks good. I have an industry niche that needs this for compliance and to stop their paper surveys. So thank you!!

Also, I would add that if it's deemed a positive survey so the entered text could be used for the social share section of RG. If it's negative, it will never get into that section and accidentally shared out.


Sandy Zuniga

To clarify, for the survey/feedback text, I was just saying if it's positive (smiley face, heart, etc, whatever identifies the survey as positive), we get to pull that into the social sharing section. Say they don't go post their comment online, we still want to use their comment text from the survey (so internal 'feedback' so to speak) as social post.