Tom |
Currently, Reviews are getting pulled every 7 days - Can we get a Manual Pull button on the reviews page - when we load a list and go through a lot of requests, waiting a 7 days to get the reviews pulled into the system makes new clients a bit uneasy
The other option would be to pull daily or at least every 2 days
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John Mecham
Can I piggy-back this request with this ultra ultra simple manual review idea - www.loom.com/share/545a639100f5473d804b91d662b08976?sid=1ddadac3-b536-4d67-8881-9d65fba64fc6
Paul David
Think this has been done now. It's pulling mine in once a day.
Yes - as Joe Scoped below.
Paul David
yes this is needed.
if the new reviews are only pulling every 7 days are the instant notifications working if a new review is posted online? or is it 7 days later?
Joe Troyer
Status changed to: Planned
Joe Troyer
Add a setting to specify how often reviews should be pulled in:
- every X days (range from 1 to 7)
Have a manual refresh button on the reviews page:
- it can only be used once every X hours (talk to Joe about this one)
When editing a plan for a business, you can enable disable these 2 features.
Yeah, it would be great if the review would populate in our dashboard as soon as it's left on google or any other review platform. This also effects the review widget, since it only shows the reviews if they are in our platform. If there was a way for them to auto import daily, that would be most helpful.