Link to website for gathering reviews on demand

  • Live


It would be nice to have a link/URL (white label option) to gather reviews on demand. This would be posted on the customer website and social media platforms. The goal is to seize a review quickly when the customer is on-site or quickly after a customer shows their satisfaction with a business.


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John Mecham

This seems like the request I made two months ago on 11-05-2022, it says live, but I don't see any way to use reviewgrower to request a review from a customer on the spot. I also don't see a whitelabel option


Joe Troyer

John, please contact us via support if you have any issues, not here.


Alex Contes

Status changed to: Live


Alex Contes

Completed. Review funnel is done and also link to it on the contacts page is done.


John Mecham

I don't see the whitelabel link? i just tested this and it is still sending a reviewgrower link

I also don't see a way to make a request on demand on the spot, if I don't have a laptop. How would I make this request via cellphone?


Joe Troyer

John, please contact us via support if you have any issues, not here.


Joe Troyer

Add button on contacts page with a link to the review funnel: share.getcloudapp.com/yAu1oLqy

Also in the new review funnel builder we'll be sure to show the url so you can see the funnel pages.