Hiding Form Fields on Feedback Page

  • Live

Andreas Loeper

It would be great if we could determine which fields of the feedback form (at the feedback page) should be visible or not visible.
Some clients were a little averse and thought they had to fill out all the fields. Some have not given any feedback for this reason.

I think two fields would be enough. For example, „Mail and First Name“ or „Phone Number and First Name“.. Or even Complete name and phone or email…

On top of this feature, it would be cool to set some fields as *required*. Even through this function, it would be immediately recognizable to everyone that they do not have to fill everything out.


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Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Live


Joe Troyer



Joe Troyer

Status changed to: In progress


Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Joe Troyer

In the review funnel, if the feedback form is enabled, we will enable another section named "Feedback form fields", with options to choose "visible: yes/no" and "required: yes/no" for all 4 fields:
- first name
- last name
- email
- phone number
We'll make it a requirement to always have either email/phone shown and required.