Email update

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Dan LePari

In short, we need emails coming from our customers to reflect their email no ours. Imagine a dentist customer receiving an email from their dentist but from our email? That makes no sense. They need to receive the email from their dentist. Most wouldn't open that email if they see it's from ABC Marketing etc.


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Alex Contes

Status changed to: Live


Alex Contes

This is completed. Each business can now customize the "From Name' that is used to send the emails.


Alex Contes

Status changed to: In progress


Chante Wolf

Priority (10) As long as the business is mentioned not need to change the domain, using a white labeled domain or review.me is good.



This would only be acceptable if we charged the customer for this. It's too much work. Low priority, too.


Joe Troyer

Hey Dan, completely get where your coming from and your concern...

I had the same concern when we were building this functionality. So we looked around at how other platforms are handling this and we found.

1. Most send from a white labeled unbranded domain, that the reputation management company owns.


2. We found some have the ability for the agency when they white label to add their own domain to send from.

So we did both.

You can send review requests that come from "ravu.me" a generic domain we own that has no branding or company name on it.


Or you can add your own domain via smtp to send emails from.

In my opinion (and I could be completely wrong) Id never want to set this up for every client. This would be a disaster. You are going to have to setup a mail service like mailgun or amazon ses etc, and to do that you have to set dns records for every client. To me this gets too difficult to scale, and slows down the onboarding process way too much.

Would love to hear your thoughts if you have any. Does this solve the issue? If not how could we solve this better for you?


Joe Troyer

What I could see us doing is adding some flexibility in the white label settings.

Email Preferences
Send review request emails from ravu.me
or yourwhitelabeleddomain.com

Send emails to Businesses I add from:
or yourwhitelabeleddomain.com


Joe Troyer

I think you can use a @revu.me email and have only the business name as the sender name

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