Delegated user access control

  • Live

Adz S

When a business is given access to their client portal, as an agency I'd like to be able to limit which features they can/cannot use.

For example, I could have a client on lower package that only allows bringing in reviews and creating widgets, and another client on a higher package that allows them to use every feature.

Within the agency dashboard, I'd like an option to "configure business access" which contains a hierarchical checklist of features.
Features that are ticked are visible to the client. Features that aren't ticked are hidden.

This could perhaps expand/replace the "disable access" button on the businesses page, and by default if none of the features are ticked, access is disabled.



Activity Newest / Oldest


Alex Contes

Status changed to: Live


Alex Contes

This is already completed, with the new billing Stripe module implementation.



This would be cool. I think reviewgrower has this option as their free plan, correct? Where they can basically just monitor reviews and showcase them on their website via the widget. This would be cool to be able to do on our accounts as well.