Capture website traffic statistics on which a review widget has been placed.


When we place a review widget on a client website, then the traffic data should be captured so we can inform the client how many people saw the widget to show value of the widget. Also, it would help me as an agency owner to understand what services I can upsell to the client based on the traffic that client is getting to their website. Every other widget I have used does it: Examples: elfsight.com and modalforms.com


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Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Joe Troyer

Reminder for Alex: review elfsight.com and modalforms.com, see how they're doing it.


Ricardo James

Agreed. I use the Review Widgets from another company (Joe knows the owner of that company very well) The widget has a click to call feature and tracking features where you can log into a dashboard and see how many times the button was clicked, how many phone calls were placed from the widget, etc. This way you can show the client in the monthly report and it's also a good selling feature when you show the feature to future prospects.

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