As Easy as an SMS App for Field Tech, or Retail Floor Person to Request a Review in Person

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John Mecham

In-person mobile-to-mobile requests - dramatically increases response rates.

The individual rendering the service (i.e. hvac tech, retail store rep, etc.) should ask for the review - which is an incentive to render quality service. This maintains the integrity of reviews by incentivizes the service that merits the review (as opposed to a bribe). It is overall a way better experience, and way better for bosses who want true quality service and for the reviews to represent true quality service.

Until there is an easy way for field techs to request reviews, reviewgrower is useless for many of my clients

a homescreen bookmark to an html app, makes it possible to get this up and running for a developer in just a couple hours.


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Joe Troyer

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John Mecham



John Mecham

Requesting reviews in-person with a follow-up SMS on the spot, is the ONLY way my clients ask for reviews. Does nobody else do this?