Amazon & eCommerce Site Reviews- Ability to Connect Revews From More Than One Product

Nick W.

When you connect Amazon as a Review Platform in Review Grower there is only an option to pull in reviews from one product.

This is a problem for my client's sell multiple products on amazon since we can only pull in reviews from one of their products.

It would be very helpful if there was a way to pull in the reviews from multiple products, or all of the reviews for a merchant's online Amazon store.

I assume this issue applies to eBay and Walmart reviews too but am not 100% sure.


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Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Joe Troyer

Add a way to connect a platform like Amazon and be able to add multiple products to pull in reviews from.
Check out Trustindex.io, they have this feature.
Also bring this up to Joe, need to hear his thoughts on this.
Also implement some kind of limits, maybe add a detection that the products are from the same company.