Create Near Perfect Widgets with Three Easy Fixes

John Mecham

Hover widgets provide a far superior experience to badge widgets, because with badge widgets you have to scroll all the way down, and then scroll all the way back up to close the widget pop-up, while hover widgets have a sticky "X" in the pop-up so you can close the widget any time. Make it so the hover widget has one simple toggle setting (badge or hover) for all your review widgets. This way I can choose any of the hover widgets and place them inline anywhere on the webpage. If this is done it will be close to the best on-page experience available anywhere for displaying reviews. (the hover is bothersome when I come across it. It feels like forcing visitors to see an element non-stop while on a website. This is less bothersome though than having to scroll back up to click "X" to close, and less bothersome than the fact that ever widget asks first time visitors and non-customers in the pop-up to leave a review.

1) Add the sticky X settings option on badges
2) Add a settings toggle (hover or inline) for badge or hover on the "hover widgets" so the hover widgets can be placed inline.
3) Add a settings toggle to give the option to ask new visitors and non customers to "leave a review" or not

Make these three changes and you will have a near perfect set of widgets.


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Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned