Add Webhook" as a Review Request Option.


Adding "Webhook" as a review request option would allow any tools that work with Zapier to be used for sending reviews requests and obviously more.

Zapier has more than 200 Phone & SMS Apps.

For example, for a potential alternative to Twillo, Textline is super easy to use and has an easy to use dashboard to respond to any replies received.

Textrequest allows texting from the business landline via Zap!

Lob enables an on-demand postcard via Zap.

Someone could even do a ringless VM with a personal request to check their email and provide feedback.

Tagging a contact in Active Campaign would be easy.

Specifically, this would require that webhook as a notification option.

The webhook would post the contact information and ideally a sequence number. Having a sequence number would allow for example the 3rd notification to go to a telephone queue or maybe sent from the owner's personal email account.

The webhook would simply post:
[sequence-num] 1, 2 or 3

[business_name] defined business name
[link]actual review link
[feedback_link] actual private feedback link
[contact_first_name] contact's first name
[contact_last_name] contact's last name
[contact_email] contact's email address
[contact_phone] contact's phone number

This would also require 1 small UI change to the 'settings' page to enter the webhook.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Joe Troyer

Status changed to: Planned


Joe Troyer

Add a way to create multiple external webhooks that will be hit and the data as shown in the description will be included in the request.
We can have options to trigger the webhook automatically when the contact is added or manually with a button on the contacts page.